Reflections of a FabAcademic – Let’s talk about money! I am concerned about how many of our people do not care about their money. They seem to think that money is just there to be spent and so as soon as they get the money they rush to spending it! A car (when they can use public transport), a rented flat/house (when they can continue staying at home), clothes and shoes (that they don’t need) and a lavish lifestyle (trying to keep up with the Jones’). Listen, I have no problem with people who buy or do all these things while at the same time they are saving money for their children to go to university and also for a rainy day. It is amazing how many parents cannot pay for their children’s varsity fees while they drive luxury cars! Bo bra mang mang ka di-BMW buying their children nice clothes for matric dance but cannot pay a mere R4000 upfront payment for varsity registration! Disgusting!
Well many people also never think about rainy days – there seem to be a view that rainy days are only for others and not you. Anyway, let me unpack rainy days: This could be a day when your parents need financial help from you. I would hate not to be able to rescue my parents out of trouble. A rainy day can also be when misfortune hits. I have met a few young people who tell me that their mother died unexpectedly and the money they got from her pension fund at work was so little that it got finished from paying house rent and buying food for a year. These are children whose mothers were not much older than I am and lived the high life and now that they are gone their children are battling to survive. Interestingly, most of these children do not blame their mothers they blame those of us who knew their mothers. Somehow they expect that if one knew their mother who was obviously a nice person (because everyone who passes on automatically becomes nice), then one must take care them. Life does not work that way! I would hate to leave my children poor and desperate when I die. The problem is that I do not know when that is and so I must always be ready! Of course they must work for their own future but as a responsible parent I want to make sure that if I pass on while they are still at school/varsity then they should have enough money to still be able to pay their school/varsity fees.
Okay, if you are a young person with no family or children, please note that this is for you too. It is important to learn how to take of your money NOW! I see so many young people who waste their money. Some of them want to live the high life even when all they have is a temporary job! Look, if you have a temporary or contract job then there is no need to get into debt on a car – make sure that you save every bit of the money you earn because that is NOT your job and you can lose it anytime! Well if you are young with a permanent job, a degree or degrees, no husband or children then still take care of your money because you will always need it! If you have a bedroom at home then there is no reason to move out and rent a flat. Save money until you are able to pay a good deposit for your own flat or house. If you do not have 20% deposit for a car then do not fall into the trap of buying it using any of the schemes available. Make sure that you save at least 20% of your salary every month. Of course you should always give away 10% of your monthly earning!
It is good for the soul! Unless you have an unlimited supply, you have to worry about money. You might not feel that you have enough. But do you have what you need? Take care of your money so that your money can take of you! #WiseUp
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